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Transform your design workflow with this intuitive color palette generator that creates harmonious and accessible color scales. Using advanced HSV color mapping and Bézier curves, this plugin helps you generate professional color palettes.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Palette Generation
  • Powerful Bézier Curve Control
  • Accessibility
  • Seamless Integration and Export colors into frames and styles

This plugin is perfect for design systems, brand guidelines, or any project requiring consistent color scales. It streamlines the color creation process while ensuring your palettes meet professional quality standards.

Looks awesome, great work! I would use such plugin if it would work both ways plugin-to-styles and styles-to-plugin. For me personally, such plugin would benefit when I want to adjust the color styling of already existing design system and test the changes on designed layouts.

@domasmark Thanks for your valuable feedback. Currently I have this feature lined up, already in the testing phase. This will detect any styles created from the plugin, so that user can load up the styles again to make any necessary changes.

The only limitation for this plugin will be, styles has to be created from this plugin, since I need bezier curve’s coordinates to render the swatch in plugin.

It will look something like this:

Bezier Palette Studio UI

On the right side, if you have created any styles earlier, it will show a button to load up the last created styles.

Looks prominent! Please share it here, once released, I’ll take a try.

@domasmark I have published the plugin with import feature, let me know how that works for you. Also if you have any feature suggestions or if you encounter any bugs please do let me know.
