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I’ve gone through all the memory/performance improvement steps for the desktop app. The only thing I haven’t done is break up my files. To be clear. These very same files worked just fine prior to UI3. So I don’t think the problem is really the files.


The only way I can break up my component lib (which is smaller than any I’ve seen in the community) would be to put variables in one lib, text styles in another, inputs in another, etc.


The only way I can make my files smaller would be to only have 1 page per file.


Most of the performance threads I’ve seen are around specific issues or prototypes. My performance issues are with any and every aspect of Figma. Loading files being the most annoying.


I’m also on an M2 Ultra Mac Studio with 192 GB of memory. It’s not my setup. Is UI3 just worse all around on memory?

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