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This bug has been happening for months but for the last 2 weeks it has suddenly gotten worse.

Just a few examples of the way it’s breaking :


Buttons that are obviously supposed to hug the text, used to hug the text, will break just like that.

After double clicking on the component, it’s fixed!


Text that is not centered.


It doesnt happen on every component equally, it just happens randomly.

However, it’s obviously still not good, as it breaks by the time we deliver it to devs. Sometimes text still appears as an old version that we changed. One again, double clicking will correct to the newer text. Sometimes an element will disappear.

Also sometimes it doesnt stay fixed when I exit the Figma app. The only way I have found to permanently fix it is to break away from the component or place the component again, as if that instance was broken. I obviously dont want to do that, especially since it affects so many of my frames right now.

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