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I’d like to report a bug I’ve been noticing for a long time now in Figma’s prototypes.

When viewing prototypes, components’ hover-interations would get stuck. Once components transition to a hover state, they wouldn’t transition back on mouse leave (when I move the cursor away). So every component that has a hover freezes in it’s hover state once I move the cursor in.

The issue usually gets resolved when I reload the prototype tab, but it comes back from time to time, I’ve had this bug multiple times today already. I’m working with pretty large artboards that have a fair number of components and a lot of them have hovers, so reloading a tab takes some time.

I’ve noticed this issue in multiple files, different projects, etc — it just kinda happens sometimes. I’m assuming it mostly affects larger files.

Figured I’d post about it here, there might be someone else experiencing the same issue. If possible, perhaps there’s a chance someone could look into it. Thanks 🙂

Best regards,


I have the same issue for ages and its really annoying.

Hello, I don’t know if this will work for you, but it solved my issue with too many component/variant projects. Try renaming the component/variant if you’re copying the same component/variant and using it within the same page.

didn’t work for me. This bug is very annoying especially when I’m executing Usability Tests, because the user gets confused or distracted by it. Please fix it 😦 bug

I recently ran in to this issue myself. It happened when I copied and pasted an entire component and adapted it for another purpose. Although this copy had a different layout, design and contents, Figma seemed to get confused, likely due to some underlying connection between the cloned component and the original, which affected the hover interaction.

To resolve this, I had to recreate the component afresh. Instead of copying the entire component, I copied only its contents this time (which were conveniently wrapped in an auto-layout), I then used Option + Command + K to create a new component. Afterward, I had to manually added the hover interaction which wasn’t a big deal.

Hope it helps!

I concur, the problem persists.

I have a sidebar navigation component, using navigation item components with variants to do hover states. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, and every hover state just sticks. Sometimes they will go away, if I move my mouse around. But this is terrible for user testing and presentation purposes.

This works. Thanks a lot! 🙂
