I’d like to report a bug I’ve been noticing for a long time now in Figma’s prototypes.
When viewing prototypes, components’ hover-interations would get stuck. Once components transition to a hover state, they wouldn’t transition back on mouse leave (when I move the cursor away). So every component that has a hover freezes in it’s hover state once I move the cursor in.
The issue usually gets resolved when I reload the prototype tab, but it comes back from time to time, I’ve had this bug multiple times today already. I’m working with pretty large artboards that have a fair number of components and a lot of them have hovers, so reloading a tab takes some time.
I’ve noticed this issue in multiple files, different projects, etc — it just kinda happens sometimes. I’m assuming it mostly affects larger files.
Figured I’d post about it here, there might be someone else experiencing the same issue. If possible, perhaps there’s a chance someone could look into it. Thanks 🙂
Best regards,