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Keyboard arrows not working in Overlay


Hello there…


When I use the overlay function for a Modal in Figma, my modal has multiple frames showing different states. The problem is that my boss often uses the left and right arrow keys to switch between frames, but arrows don’t work in the overlay.

I tried binding the "back" action to the arrow keys on the frames within the overlay, but that didn’t work either.

Thanks for any advice or an update—this issue has been around for years

5 replies

  • Community Support
  • 2294 replies
  • March 7, 2025

Hi there,


Thanks for reaching out. I'm not entirely sure I'm understanding everything correctly, so please let me know if I'm missing something. I tested on my end with a very simple case, and when I set a keyboard action on frames, it worked as below:



I hope this helps. If you’re looking to achieve something different, could you please share a bit more detail?



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  • March 7, 2025
y_toku wrote:

Hi there,


Thanks for reaching out. I'm not entirely sure I'm understanding everything correctly, so please let me know if I'm missing something. I tested on my end with a very simple case, and when I set a keyboard action on frames, it worked as below:



I hope this helps. If you’re looking to achieve something different, could you please share a bit more detail?



Hi, thanks for your reply.

I made a video as well. The issue is that when I open the modal content, then swap the modal content, and try to go back from "modal content 3" to "modal content 1" using the arrow keys (left, right), it jumps completely out of the modal.

My boss sometimes wants to navigate between modal states using arrow keys, but that doesn't work...

We have large UX designs, sometimes with 20+ states in a modal, and setting up a prototype with key binds for left/right arrows for each one is really inconvenient.

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks!



Ahoj, ďakujem za tvoju odpoveď.

Natočil som aj video. Problém je v tom, že keď otvorím modálny obsah, potom zamieňam modálny obsah a pokúsim sa vrátiť z „modálneho obsahu 3“ na „modálny obsah 1“ pomocou klávesov so šípkami (vľavo, vpravo), úplne vyskočí z modalu.

Môj šéf sa niekedy chce navigovať medzi modálnymi stavmi pomocou klávesov so šípkami, ale to nefunguje ...

Máme veľké návrhy UX, niekedy s 20+ stavmi v modálnom, a nastavenie prototypu s kľúčovými väzbami pre šípky ľavej/pravej pre každú z nich je skutočne nepohodlné.

Ocenil by akúkoľvek radu. Vďaka!


  • Community Support
  • 2294 replies
  • March 11, 2025

Hi ​@Jakub_Murko1 ,


Thanks for the clarifications! I believe this is currently a limitation of the overlay feature, since using the left/right keys navigates to the previous or next frame.

I know this isn’t the ideal solution, but one workaround is to wrap the content in a frame and connect the modals using smart animate.


I'm afraid I can't be of much help on this, but I'll pass your feedback along to our internal team for future improvements!



  • Author
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  • 2 replies
  • March 11, 2025

Hi ​@y_toku 

Yes, I've been using this idea for several years now. The only downside is that when the first frame changes, I always have to update the frame under the modal, which is a bit annoying.

Anyway, thanks for your willingness to help! If this could be improved further, I would be really grateful. :)

Thank you!

  • Community Support
  • 2294 replies
  • March 12, 2025

@Jakub_Murko1 thanks for your understanding! 


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