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Hi. Not sure if it’s caused by new UI3 or it’s a bug. But this happens: Loom video

I have components for icons. Just atomic 24x24 icons, all named the same way (“color”). Then I have interactive component for icon button. Simple hover with color change. There’s “swap instance” set.

In a prototype I use icon buttons. One of them - search - opens an input. Close icon button “x” acts weirdly!

Figma file here

Any idea what to change?

Hi. Figma mistook icons because buttons have the same name. Rename it to fix the problem

This works, thanks!

Is this something I should have known because it’s a standard way components/Figma work and is documented somewhere, or is it just a workaround?

Naming issues usually happens in smart animation interactions. But you used Instant, i’m not really sure why it happened 🤔
