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Hi Figma staff,

This might be a dumb question but why doesn’t a keyboard shortcut exist for ‘Go to main component’ ? Working with components and instances is a core workflow so wouldn’t a keyboard shortcut be as important as ‘Create component’ and ‘Detach instance’?

Thank you in advance!

It’s not a dumb question at all! Keyboard shortcuts are designed to streamline workflows, and having a shortcut for “Go to Main Component” would indeed be valuable for working with components and instances. The absence of such a shortcut might be due to various reasons, such as prioritization of features or limitations in the design tool’s current capabilities.

If it’s something you feel strongly about, it could be worth suggesting to the development team of the design tool you’re using. Many tools actively take user feedback into account for future updates!

So with the new UI update, and the “go to main component” button GONE from the panel, the least we can get is a shortcut to view the main component. The whole right click thing completely slows the workflow. Figma friends, PLEASE help a brother out.


