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is anyone else experiencing locking/freezing on large files?

Scenario - Brand system for enterprise size company with multiple shared libraries. File opens fine however specific pages freeze. No telling why. Memory usage for that specific page is less than 30% and takes around 5-8 mins to open

if someone has a fix, that would be great

Hi there! Thanks for flagging this for us and our apologies for the performance issues you’re seeing. Usually this happens because of the memory issues. You can check these tips that may help you to improve the performance of your file:

Figma Learn - Help Center

If this doesn’t help, I’d like our support team to investigate it further with one of your affected files, please reach out directly to them by filling out this form with a URL of the file: here (This will help us to investigate the root cause of your issue.)

Be sure to use your Figma email account, include a short video showing us the freezing that you’re seeing in this file (please include the whole window, with the properties and layers panels in view and relevant layers expanded, and select any layers you’re having trouble with so we can check any relevant settings.) , and please add as an Editor to this file (this won’t affect your billing at all) so they can take a closer look. Thank you!

Thank you Celine!

Invite sent to support-share

Thanks for giving access to the file! Can you please include the URL of this file when you fill out this form: here

This will create a ticket support so the support team can follow up your case. Please also mention any steps you have done, and details as mentioned below for the support team. They will take a look at it. Thank you!
