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I'm trying to export an icon as an SVG from Figma, but the saved file is incorrect and incomplete.
The square in the original icon doesn't appear when exported

What am I doing wrong? How can I export correctly?

Hi ​@Mayur_Shashiprakasha, thank you for reaching out! I’m sorry to hear you’re running into issues exporting your icon.

This might be related to a known long standing bug we’re currently investigating. If your icon includes strokes, could you try setting the stroke alignment to "Center" and then exporting it as an SVG? That might resolve the issue.

If that doesn’t help, would you be able to share a copy of your file? I’d be happy to test the export on my end to better understand what’s going on. 


Thank you, 



The stroke is set to Center and i still have that issue

Stroke set to center


Here is a figma file link: 


Hi ​@Mayur_Shashiprakasha, thank you for testing the stroke alignment set to "Center" and for sharing the file link! I’ve tested it on my end and can confirm the issue persists. Let me check in with the team internally to investigate further and ensure I’m not overlooking anything.

Appreciate your patience while I look into this and will get back to you as soon as I have an update! 

Hello ​@Gayani_S 

Any update on this ticket?


Hey ​@Mayur_Shashiprakasha, apologies for the delayed response! 

I’ve created a support ticket for you—your ticket number is #1245369 for reference. Our technical quality team will dig deeper to investigate this. 

Our team typically responds within 24 hours, often sooner under normal circumstances. However, we’re currently experiencing a higher volume of inquiries, so there may be a slight delay.


We truly appreciate your patience, and I assure you we’ll do our best to assist you as quickly as possible.


Thank you, 

