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Hi all,

I got an error about component variant does not work properly with shape rotation.

I created a component with a shape, then I add one more variant (rotate 45). But it does not work as expected.

I have tried both Figma Desktop version 116.3.6 and web browser version.

Have got the same error?

Rotate not the variant of the component, but its contents.

Thank you Tank!

Any idea for how to rotate the contents when the component only contains a gradient fill?

I assume it can be done manually within the Fill controls, but I’d like the gradient to be an exact 180 flip of the an existing gradient fill. And it’s so tedious trying to get the gradient angle/position the same via eyeballing it. Any advice is appreciated!

  1. Create a rectangle of the same size;

  2. Copy the fill or properties of the component;

  3. Paste the copied fill or properties into the rectangle;

  4. Rotate the rectangle to the degree you need;

  5. Flatten the rectangle;

  6. Copy the fill or properties of the rectangle and paste it into the component.

Or find plugins in the Figma Community that allow you to specify the exact angle for the gradient.

🤩 It works, thank you!

Hi Tank,

I have a similar question where no matter how I rotated the key icon’s content or vector or even used flatten, when I used component and changed to this variant, it didn’t rotate successfully. Here is the Figma file. Thanks for the help!

Your “Key” variant is flipped vertically. Select the layer with this name and press Shift+V.

Thanks! Just figured it out!
