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There’s a bug in the image cropping tool when holding down the command key.
Normally, cropping a single image this way anchors the image around the top of the rectangle.
If multiple images are selected and the command key is held while cropping:
The images do not anchor around the top of the rectangle layer.
The crop does not change as expected.
This inconsistent behavior is believed to be a bug.
Previously, holding down the command key would result in all images cropping uniformly.
Now, the crop property isn’t overridden when using the command key for multiple images.

There’s a similar issue with cropping multiple images.
Although the images are already set to crop, selecting all of them, holding the command key, and dragging merely resizes the images instead of cropping them.
Cropping works normally for a single image.
This confirms a bug preventing the cropping of multiple items.
Previously, cropping multiple items while holding the command key functioned correctly.

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