Problem: I need to have separator between product card made by component “gap-column” - because sometimes we need to have advanced deviders… Thats why I cant do it with Autolayout row and column gap
The widht of the gap is set by Variable “gap-column”
What is Figma doing: If I have 5 cards and the deviders between tha cards and I set height to Fill. Now it works fine. If I change width of hole section, it works.
BUT: If I set the variable gap-column from 16px to 48px (fo example) - som of deviders switch to fixed height and some stay Fill… After I set height to fill again, it works fine.
BUT: I need to set the width of devider 16 to 48 to 16 and I need to have the height still Fill!
Why it is happening? I am solving it two days and still cant solve the problem why it is happening.
I thing I know Figma very well, and this is veny annoying!
Look at the video to feel it...