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The export type incorrectly retains the suffix, after I change the format.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a simple shape or rectangle layer

  2. Hit the “+” next to Export 3 times. By default, this will set the exports as follows:

  • 3x PNG with suffix “@3x

  • 2x PNG with suffix “@2x

  • 1x PNG with no suffix

  1. For the 3x PNG, use the dropdown to change the format to SVG.

  2. Open the “…” overflow menu and observe that the suffix is still “@3x”.


When I change the format from PNG to SVG, the suffix field should reset.

Relevant docs:

Figma Learn - Help Center

+1 I am currently having the same issue. Exporting a bunch of different icons in different formats makes this very tedious having to change it manually everytime. It results in incorrect file naming when exporting.
