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Appearance Switch doubled

  • January 30, 2025
  • 1 reply



we changed from color styles to variables recently. We did this by creating a new library containing the variables and integrated a dark mode there. I manually exchanged all old color styles to the new variables out of the new library.

When I want to switch the appearance to dark mode I see two options:

I double checked that I don’t use any color styles out of the “Tokens (deprecated)” file. My components only use the new variables from the “Tokens” file. I actually don’t even understand why I can switch between “Light” and “Dark” within the “Tokens (deprecated)” set as there are NO variables in that file. 

To put it in a nutshell: There shouldn’t be two options to switch the appearance. Is that a (known) bug or did I miss something here?

Thank you for your help :)


  • Community Support
  • February 10, 2025

Hey ​@Lucas_Hubner - on my end, I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if something is being inadvertently missed between old<>library. Unfortunately, I don’t have much visibility in terms of reviewing your files to pinpoint any problems, but I can get you connected to our support team who can.

Can I ask that you file a support ticket here?

If you could include the following info, it would help expedite the review process:

  • The name of the team that the libraries (both old and new) live in
  • The name of the file[s[ you use your variables in, that show the list options you see in your screenshot
  • IF POSSIBLE: edit access to the said files with This is the official support email, and you won’t be charged for doing so.

Let me know once you’ve been to fill out the ticket form. Appreciate your patience!


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