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Hello !

So I am using Figma to create slides for a presentation, I made this nice shape against a blue background and used the Lighten layer mode to be in the perfect color.

But the moment I export it to PDF, the shapes show in the PDF slides as with their normal color, instead of with the Lighten layer mode. Is this a bug? Or am I doing it wrong? How can I export these slides so the shape shows in the color I intend it to be (using Lighten layer mode), and not its “Normal” layer mode color ?


Same problem for a long time. Did anyone find a solution?

Hey Serge!

Sorry to hear you are having issue with exporting.

Can you try checking your color space and switching this to the other option (for example if using sRGB, change this to Unmanaged) and restart Figma and check if the colors appear the same? The full steps to do this are in this help center article “Color management in the desktop app” here: Hope this helps!

If the issue persists, please reach out to the support: here
