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I looked in the community and found a couple of related posts, but they’re related to accounts/ownership, and since I’m the account owner and I created the file, I’m baffled here.

The inspect panel has disappeared from all my files. I’ve created all of them and never had a problem seeing this panel before (I rely heavily on it). I am logged in (as myself), I appear to be able to fully edit the design of the file, set prototype actions, and so forth.

Just no inspect window. They keyboard commands to show it do nothing, it’s not in the menus, it’s just gone.


Also missing the inspect tab. Please bring it back!

Been a Figma user for 4+ years. The approach of putting Dev mode behind the PayWall feels completely unjustified and expensive.

I’m not sure if anyone is hearing at Figma.

My problem is, I have 3 designers and couple of developers. The catch is if, Dev mode has to be activated you need to move the Figma file into team project and give all the users ‘Edit’ access of the Figma file.

So now with the introduction of ‘Dev mode’ I need to add all of my developers in the Team project and then enable ‘Edit’ access for them. This month I got charged for 7 seats by Figma, which in the past used to be 2 to 3 seats. The stress is from a monthly billing of about 36US$ to 45US$. Now Figma is charging me 128$ a month almost 3 to 4 times of what I used to pay earlier. This is because Dev mode will not work outside of Team project and then to access Dev mode team members need Edit access.

Would love to know if someone in the community has been able to solve this issue of Inspect or if there is work around for the Inspect mode to work.

worry less my team and i are building a project to ensure a seamless usage of the inspect tool for free.
