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Has anyone else encountered this today? Check my screenshot (Font - Inter 18 SB) Can’t find any topic.

Снимок экрана 2024-04-18 195235

Or am i just crazy and this issue was here before

The same problem with icons. Renders poorly at 100% display

Uh, just notice, same issues with round shapes and icons at 100% scale.


you are not crazy! I noticed this too. This can be fixed by moving some element in the frame. but it makes me very angry

Hey all - can I ask some additional questions? I think our engineering team has a bug ticket for this, and I’d like to report any details that may be helpful.

I saw that Inter, semi-bold, size 18 was mentioned, along with ‘icons’

Are there any other characteristics this appears on for anyone? ie: bold at size 100, etc. If you can capture the font rendering poorly in real time, that would be great to have visually as well.

Also @ir11 @Daniel_Fazylov can you provide copies of the icons you’re seeing this on? I can pass them on to be tested.

Thanks everyone!


If you can capture the font rendering poorly in real time.

  • I can’t. Problem solved yesterday by downloading latest Windows update.

copies of the icons

Interesting - thanks for the update.

Is anyone else here working with Figma on Windows? If so, is it still happening for you?

I just googled to see if anyone else was struggling with this. My fonts are jagged and ugly and I’m on Windows (Latest Figma update).

@Syver_Lauritzsen Sorry about that! Can you give more details?

Do you see this on both the desktop app and the web version of Figma?

Is it all fonts that are rendering weird? Or does it seem to be custom fonts you’ve added only?

Are there any specific settings that cause this? Ex: if you have a font larger than 16, it shows this behavior.

If you have time, can you drop a screen recording that shows you cycling through different fonts + typing, so I can take a look? You can drop that here whenever you’re able.

do you still have the same problem ?

Actually downloading image from Figma page and downloading using REST API is different.

The image is having curves, i am seeing the anti aliasing issue.


Parameters : {

‘ids’: ‘I0:1268;9562:63911;6802:54578’,

‘format’: ‘png’


OS : Windows

Browser : Chrome

in REST API doc i saw that this issue was fixed December 2021 itself,

but why i am still facing this issue?
