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On 29 October 2024, we noticed that all users (almost 500 users) who were not authorised in Figma Pro team but had access to any of the files as viewers were included in the Pro Team as viewers. We manually removed all users from the team file.

We cannot see which files users can access via Pro team and this makes tracking difficult. Is there a place where we can see which files the users that Figma automatically imports can access?

Previously, you had a field called ‘User X can see 2 projects’ but it is no longer available. Can you help?

@Omer_Dugme Good morning! I took a look on my end, and I saw that someone in support made contact with you about this via email just before my response here. Can you let me know if you did not receive it?

To touch on your question here: there isn’t a central control to track which members have access to specific files. To check who can view a particular file, you’ll need to click the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the file, where you’ll a list of users who have access.

I understand that this may not be ideal; I’ll make sure to note your feedback on this.
