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I am trying to use a video file in my Figma prototype. I am using a rectangle(shape) and using the “Fill” option to use the video. After few seconds, it is showing messages “the video can’t be uploaded” and “invalid video removed” and then the video layer disappeared. I am using a .mov having 27.9 MB of size. I tried with different .mp4 videos(with different sizes), but, no luck. Can you please help me identify what could be the issue here? How could this be resolved?

Hi there, can you please try clearing your cache in your browser and desktop app, and try uploading a video to Figma again? If you still run into any issues I’d recommend to reach out our support team with this form:

How to you clear the desktop app cashe?

Hey @Crystal7 ,

In order to clear the cache, please follow these steps:


Use the Terminal app to clear the cache.

  1. Quit the Figma desktop app.

  2. Open the and enter the following command: rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Figma/"{Desktop,DesktopProfile}

  3. Try opening the Figma desktop app again.


Run a command line from the Start menu.

  1. Close the Figma desktop app.

  2. Open the Start menu and paste the %APPDATA%\\Figma command. Press the Enter key to submit.

  3. In the window, delete the DesktopProfile folder.

  4. Launch the Figma desktop app again.

Hey, I am trying to add a video and its prompting me to switch to professional team but i already pay for Figma every month. Please help me out here, anyone who knows what needs to be done. It’d be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

Hey there,

Could you double check your account? In case you have multiple account, you might be signing in another free account.

If the issue persists, could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file:

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.



This actually solved my issue

Glad to hear it’s working now on your end! Thanks for letting us know 😃
