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My team is trying to have more a collaborative wireframing process, where the whole product team (including engineers and product managers) get on a Figma file to wireframe together during a team meeting.

However, I’m unable to grant access without making the entire team “editor” (and paying for a huge amount of extra editor seats). Is there a way of doing this? Perhaps something similar to “Open session for 24 hours” on FigJam?

I have the similar request. My team has either Org or Enterprise, it’s Zuora if that helps, and I’d like to give someone temporary edit access and not have to worry about shutting it off. Is there something like that? I know there is a free week on FigJam, but I’d like the ability to set give temporary edit access without paying the expense of a full time editor. And I’d like to do that in a way where I can’t forget about it.

Hey everyone,

On FigJam, there’s a feature called Open sessions, where you can invite visitors to an open session, you can check the details in our help center article: here

Joining an open session as a visitor won’t affect team billing at all as a visitor is a temporary role on the file with limited permissions. During the open session, anyone with a link to the file will temporarily be able to edit it even if they don’t have a Figma account, however, you won’t be charged for these editors in an open session. Note that this feature is not available for Figma Design, only FigJam. Hope this helps!
