Adding a screenshot to help explain the issue
I have the same issue. Have you solved it?
Sorry since it was 10 month ago I can’t really remember … but just thinking about it now maybe it is possible to solve using the “Reset component state” checkbox.
Hello, guys.
I have the same issue, and it drives me crazy. I have done EVERYTHING:
- reset interactions
- deleted all the “extra” frames testing the problematic part of the flow
- copied frames and made new connections
- renamed frames with 100% unique names
Nothing helps.
If someone finds the way to solve this problem, I beg tag me.
I’m having a similar issue both as described in the original post, but also my overlay interactions work only sometimes. The ‘background’ overlay appears, but not the actual modal… that only appears sometimes when it feels like 😅
Hi, Karen. I am ashamed to admit, I solved my problem one hour after posting my question here. I was desperate and angry 🙂
In my case, it was a simple human error. There is no Figma’s fault, nor is black magic in it.
Seems that I accidentally copied and pasted frames with connections over existing ones at a certain point while working on a prototype. So as I overlooked that moment, I kept working on the prototype, creating new connections on the top-level frames.
When I started to test the flow, Figma was as confused as I was. The first time it was following the top layer flow (with no problems), but the second time it was going underneath, running through the flow I had for my “old” prototype. When it reached an “old” component with no connection, it seemed stuck to me.
I’ve deleted my “old” prototype that was resting beneath the new one, and everything is working perfectly!
So, if your tap interaction works perfectly for the first time, but has no response on the second, check if you have any “rests”, copies, or duplicates under the prototype you are testing.
Good luck!