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Hi guys.

I don’t use Figma that often, but I still find it a very useful tool in particular occasions in my line of work. When I do use it, I most likely have just one project I am working on so therefore my current use of the Starter Plan.

Since the starter plan only allows one project, is the following situation possible?

Once Project 1 is done, all files are exported and kept locally. Project 1 is deleted from the Starter Plan. Project 2 will take the place of Project 1 in the Starter Plan. If Project 1 needs updates, it can replace Project 2 at some point - ideally after project 2 is complete - in the Starter Plan by importing the last version of Project 1.

Thanks in advance! 😁

Hi there,

Thanks for the post! It’s possible to save local copies and import anytime if you want to. Additionally, you can create a new Starter team under a single email (Figma account) if you wish. Once you finish the project and want to keep it, you can create a new Starter team by selecting “+ Create new” without creating a new account.

I hope this helps!



Thanks for the response, Toku!
