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If I publish a Figma file in the Figma community and then decide to rename that file, when I re-publish it, will it simply get updated, or will it do something else?

Publishing a resource update from a file will publish the details and all changes to the file. Instead, edit the details on the resource page in Figma Community.

  1. Open your resource in Figma Community;

  2. On the top right, click on the ā€œManage resourceā€ drop-down menu;

  3. Select the ā€œEdit this pageā€ item.

The reason is that Iā€˜d prefer to rename my published file as I update it. For example, file-v1.1.fig then file-v2.3.fig and so on. I hope this can be done without losing stats on the published file.

Renaming the original file will not affect the published resource in Figma Community.

Wonderful. Iā€˜ll go with that approach, then. Thanks!
