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When I’m publishing a library, do I have to detail all of the changes (indicated by the list shown in the pop-up, with items that I can check/un-check) in the “Optional description of changes,” or will all those items that were changed be shown somewhere else, to users, when they look for a changelog of some kind?

In other words, if I’m publishing changes to multiple components, but I leave the “Optional description of changes” empty, will those changes be shown somewhere, in a publish history? Change-log? etc.?

Seems a bit dumb to to enter into that field everything that’s listed below it. 🤔

Hey @Greg_Smith, great question. Yup after publishing users will get a notification that the library has been updated. Within that notification they can review the changes which will show the list of updated styles and components along with the description if provided.

Here’s our help article that outlines this. Hope this helps! 😊

Thank you, Josh!

I know this is an old post but that’s kind of an incomplete answer. The ONLY people seeing that pop-up with list of changes is the first designer to open a file and accept the changes. When a second designer comes in, they would have no idea at all. Or in my case the difficulty is mostly with developers. Anyone building out your designs will also not see that notification.

It is also not stored or tracked anywhere after the fact. Once you accept updates on the file, poof. So you need to be diligent with writing detailed descriptions of which components were changed and what you changed about them so that the developers can stay in sync with you creating style changes that aren’t in the front-end system.

I was looking for a plugin or tool to save some time on doing this and that’s how I got here 😉

It would be so nice if everyone could get a little digest like:

  • primary button, secondary button changed:

border radius 4 → 8

  • secondary button changed

fill color grey → black

