Is there any way to have a direct link on image in a Figma, but to the image with transparent background?
Let me explain my process a bit so that you can understand better what is it that i need.
1 - In external program i have .mov background
2 - I create overlay in figma, export it as .png without fill and put it over background.
As a result i get nice output with animated background and i can change whatever it is on that background by editing design in figma and exporting it.
I would like to make it simpler, so my new process is
1 - In external program i have .mov background
2 - I put browser source over that background, link that i put in browser source is Prototype view link on the image with green fill, and then apply chrome key filter so as a result i get same thing as in old process, but without exporting images + all changes to the design are instant in the finished product in external program.
PROBLEM: well obvious and biggest problem is that i cant have anything that is green in my design
Is there any way to make this happen without Green screen solution?