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I have a project, to which access has been granted for an entire Team. Nonetheless, my colleagues within that team report not being able to access the project.

The project permissions state that 8 users have access through the Team, even though the Team is larger than 8 users.

What might prevent the remaining members of the Team from accessing the project, and how can I fix it?

I’m also noticing as I browse the Team member list, that some users I can “Grant admin access” and others I can “Invite as admin” instead. Seems like those I can “Grant admin access” to are the ones who can access the project. I seem to be unable to figure out what the difference between these users is, and therefore, how I can get rid of this difference. 

Figured it out. I was looking for a member list of a team. I navigated Team name] > Admin > People and thought I had found what I was looking for, but this is not correct. The correct path to find the actual member list of a team is mTeam name] > All projects > ;Team name dropdown] > View members

I didn’t realize that a member list would be under All projects rather than Admin.

Hey ​@Peltzi , glad to hear you have found a fix.
As you have already marked as solved (‘Best answer’ here), I’ve gone ahead to close the topic here.

Thank you!