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Hello Figma Community,

I am new to the FIGMA and am currently stuck with an issue related to the FIGMA prototype.

I either want to know how to pass the actual height of the node/frame in the FIGMA prototype through some events or how to get to know the exact height of the node/frame from the various events received from the FIGMA prototype events such as PRESENT_NODE_CHANGED etc. I don’t want to know the viewport height or width where my prototype is rendered but the actual FRAME/node height

Hey @DivizH, thank you for reaching out!

I am very unsure here, I’ve asked the team internally for some help. Will get back to you once I get more information.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Apologies for the delayed response!

The team believes that this is a new functionality rather than something we’ve explicitly supported. This won’t be possible at this moment because you’ll need metadata beyond what we send right now.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
