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Need to make a prototype and iPad not mobile device no mirroring


Hello everyone! I have a question regarding Figma prototypes. In the past, I have created prototypes to view on a monitor and to share with others. I know that Figma has been updated, but I am unsure if a prototype will work directly on an iPad or a touchscreen (not an iPhone). (No Mirroring) This would be specifically created as a demo at events, and currently. I have tried searching for this information online, but it’s proving to be difficult. Thank you for your help!

5 replies

  • Community Support
  • 4535 replies
  • June 24, 2024

Hey @Heidi_North, thanks for reaching out!

Right now, Figma is not compatible for iPad, but this is on our radar for the future:

You’re still welcome to try to prototype for iPad, but until Figma is fully optimized for iPad use, you may still run into hiccups when trying to demo.


@dvaliao OP isn’t asking for an app, just to play prototype on a tablet.

You can definitely do that, works flawlessly. Just make sure to test it beforehand and find out how to use your tablet in kiosk mode, ie. locked in running just 1 app.


Thanks @Jan_Dugovic1 How do I find out how to work the tablet in kiosk mode?


use google, youtube, chatgpt. but here’s apple’s support article Use Guided Access with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support
(sorry, same person, different account. have multiple employers and devices.)


Hi my iPad is so old for testing. I had someone test at my company who has an iPad but he couldn’t get it to work. Thanks for the apple support. I did a google but didn’t find that one.


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