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When i place the overlay manually inside the frame, the prototype does not show me the overlay, but when i choose the other options they work fine, this is getting annoying as we need to position the overlay in the place that we want.

Yep, Iā€™m having the same trouble. Manual overlays just stopped working today on a prototype that was working fine yesterday.

As you say, if I use any of the pre-defined options like ā€˜centeredā€™ or ā€˜top leftā€™ it works fine, but as soon as I switch to ā€˜manualā€™ the overlay disappears.

Hey both - Iā€™m sorry this is a late reply, but I wanted to check and see if you were still having issues with overlays.

If you are, I just want to check a couple of things:

Are you seeing this on multiple files? If just on one, can you try duplicating it and seeing if the manual overlays are still not appearing as expected?

Is this traveling across both the desktop app and web version of Figma?

Thanks for your patience 🙏🏼

Hello, Iā€™ve been having a similar issue as OP.

Accordingly, what I did is that I duplicated my current Figma file (the one with the problem), and then tried to do the manual overlay option again when prototyping, on the new file.

Specifically, I set the overlay to pop open with custom positioning when an ā€œon clickā€ event occurs.

The overlay now pops up when the button I rigged with the behavior/action is clicked.

The issue Iā€™m having now is that the overlay doesnā€™t pop up where I positioned it manually.

For example say I position the overlay manually near center, the overlay opens up left of center.

Can you share a link to the file?
