Hey @eline.swennen, sorry to hear you’ve been having trouble moving your components to another library!
Have you been following the process outlined here?
Figma Learn - Help Center
For the cut + pasted components that you’re not getting the pop-up, are you getting any notifications to accept the library updates in your original library file?
Have you tried republishing the library in the original library file, before re-attempting to cut + paste your components to the new library file?
Hi, thank you for your help!
We’ve followed all the steps exactly as described. For most of the components this works perfectly fine (we do get the pop-up and the links are working perfect), but for some components we don’t get a pop-up and links seem to get broken if we try to move them.
The original library is published. We do want to try to republish the library, but we’re not sure if this will break components?
Thank you!
Hey @eline.swennen, thanks for the additional context!
Don’t worry - republishing the library will not break the library connections. Team members can still use instances from an unpublished library. They just won’t receive any updates made to those instances, until it’s republished.
If republishing doesn’t help, please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to your library file and the new destination file, and share it with support-share@figma.com, so our team can take a closer look.
I am having the same issues and one thing that seemed to help was removing unused properties. It didn’t do the trick for everything, but for some it made it work. Hope that helps… Still looking for a solution for the ones that won’t move still 😅
Thanks for chiming in, @Shannon8!
Thanks a lot for your help, @dvaliao!
We managed to move all further components without breaking links. So our problem is solved! 😀
Glad things worked out for you! Would you have any tips? I tried to republish the library end resolve broken properties, however it didn’t resolve all my issues 😦
With some components, we had no choice but to break the links 😅 what we noticed was that if a component was built incorrectly, it was sometimes more difficult to move it.
And after we moved a component correctly, we published the new components and updated it in each file where it was used. We had to repeat this several times (after each transfer) until finally all the links were transferred and nothing broke.
We also checked each time we had transferred a component to make sure everything was still correct and not broken.
Hopefully this info will help you a bit!
Glad to hear that, @eline.swennen! Please let us know if you run into any further issue! 🙂