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Hey hi; not sure it’s of any help or concern to anyone - I know we have tons of topics abt this issue with icons but I think not with text?

However, to me it just happened that in an instance, once I changed the text, it retained it’s color when changing the variants of that instance that had a different text color:

  • in the instance below I changed the text to “asdasd” when it had the rightmost variant (disabled), then changed to the left variant (primary) and the text color (grey) was kept from the disabled state.

However, I messed around with it a bit and after I changed the “main”(?) variant of the button (the top leftmost “primary”, the one I started with from which I just copied and did modifications to create the other variants) it updated the text of ALL of the variants:

  • so, I changed it to “text” and all the others got the same text + color; I then fixed the wrong colors of the rest of the variants and suddenly the instance started working as expected:

  • changed the text to “aaaa” and then

  • switched the variant to “disabled”

and it worked?! 😅 So if any of you run into this issue or a similar one you might want to try this out? Not sure what caused the issue but maybe it’s of help to someone 🤗

Was having this issue, did what you mentioned and voilá! instances are working fine now.

