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Hello, I am also being gaslit by my Figma file. I opened it one day and a lot of things are in bold. And because some of the text styles are intentionally bold and some are not, I cannot Blanket Cmd+B the Frame, because while it un-bolds the ones that were not intentional, it messes up the ones that are intentional.

This (B) is what I see applied to the style (on each individual Regular Small style)

Hello there, Thank you for sharing your experience. I created a new post as it slightly deviated from the content of the original thread you posted.

Do you want to revert your file to a previous state?

If so, you might consider restoring a previous version from the version history. You can learn the details from “Restore a previous version” section in View a file’s version history

You can also try these quick fix - Troubleshooting checklist

  • Browser: Force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window.

  • Desktop App: Force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it.

  • Toggle off multiplayer cursors, layout grids, and effects

  • Clear desktop app cache

If the issue persists despite attempting the above, I recommend you to submit a report from:

When submitting, please include the following information:

  • Your Figma account email

  • The results of the troubleshooting steps

  • The link to the file in question and and add as an editor (don’t worry, this won’t have any impact on your billing)

Hope it helps!

Thanks again for reaching out.
