Hiiii, can’t see images in preview in Figma slides
Hi there, welcome to the community!
Can you clarify where you don’t see the images? Do you mean you can’t see them when you present the Figma slides, as below?
Are you seeing this issue on desktop app, browser or both? As a first workaround, can you try to clear out the cache then force-quit to see if that helps.
If you are still running into issues, it would be great to have a copy of your file to see if we can replicate it here, and share it with support-share@figma.com as an Editor, so we can take a closer look!
Hello. I can’t see the images in Figma slides as you have shown with screenshot but in the Chrome browser. I don’t have desktop app.
And I don’t have an option to share the slide as an editor cuz I don’t have premium plan
Hey @Edil_Mukish , thanks for the details!
Can you confirm if it is in the export tab you can’t see the preview? (feel also free to share a screenshot of what you see on your end)
If so, I confirm it is disable at the moment as you are in the Starter plan (the preview is in the Design mode that requires a Figma Design Plan -paid plan-). Hope this clarifies!
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