I work in the financial sector. We consist of a holding company and other smaller, specialised sub-companies. We are very tech-heavy and UX maturity is still in the early stages, and I am in the process of merging the companies onto one Figma. The workspaces would be ideal for this. But also for legal requirements.
As we are very dev driven, we really wanted to work with the Rest API because it benefits our design system. But the sales team told me that we need at least 6 designer licences before we can get Enterprise. At the moment I am only one designer in my company. The other companies have one each. The group-wide expansion is currently being organised.
I have been offered to “simply” add more licences and then I’m good to go. Can someone explain to me how I can sell the management that you have to spend an extra €4500 to make it work?
I can understand not wanting to give a certain level of support to smaller teams because otherwise the overall quality of the service for other enterprise customers would suffer. But we don’t need that. We just need some enterprise features.
Could we perhaps reach an agreement that we can only contact your account managers or support once we have more than 6 designers? Otherwise that would be a stab in the back… I really like Figma but the sales team atm prevents me from getting stuff done.
Are there others who have a similar dilemma?