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Running in to a problem with our enterprise set up.

Currently we have a 2 Design System libraries I would like to enable by default for all workspaces/teams/files.

The files are set to ‘anyone with the link can view’; as these are live files that are linked to from our website; shared widely amongst stakeholders that aren’t necessarily designers… just viewers.

The libraries are ‘Set as approved library’… but if i enable each library by default the file is nolonger viewable by the shared link. It reverts back to Enterprise only.

Similarly, if i change the link settings on the library, I lose the enabled by default setting.

Can we change this? Seems like a bug - to have one affect the other, when they’re completely different (view, vs library?).

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. According to the help center article, it states:

If you enable the library by default, Figma will publish the library to the organization and modify the permissions on the file for you.

You can find more details here:

Figma Learn - Help Center

It seems that it may not account for cases where “anyone with the link can view” access is involved. I’m not entirely sure, so could you please contact the support team directly with a copy of your file to confirm if it’s intended? You can reach them here:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.


Thanks @y_toku - that’s correct.

From that article, it seems that the error could be due to the library file not being shared with everyone in the Enterprise… IS there a simple way to do this?

Will explore and reach out to help. Thank you!

Hi there,

Thanks for your reply. It seems like this might be an edge case, so I’m not aware of a simple solution. However, the Enterprise Support team may have some workarounds. Please wait for their response.

Thanks for your understanding!

