Hi, I have found similar entries about the topic but I still did not figure out what the problem is.
I want to upload a Figma project on behance and integrate a Figma prototype. But it is always saying the my embed code is not valid. I went to my Figma prototype and clicked on share. There I set it on visible for everyone and clicked on the embed code. I copied it and went on behance. There I started a new project and clicked on the prototype button where I pasted the embed link. It is an iframe link. But it is always saying that the code is invalid. Does anyone know what the problem still could be?
This is the link to my project: https://www.figma.com/proto/m4igkFLXpCBhLn55sfvYXi/CAPSTONE_group5_figma_francesca_final?node-id=1240-10150&starting-point-node-id=1240%3A10150&t=jQsewidCut1fLUDZ-1
And that is how the embed code looks like:
Thanks in advance for your help 😉