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When I created my educational plan with my school it was created ultil 2026 but today I have received an email informing that my education plan will expired in 4 weeks. Did you change the politics?

Hey @Rebeca4,

Thanks for reaching out to the community!

As a reminder, our policy has always been that student status is only valid for 2 years, and then after the 2 years if you are still a student/educator, you can re-apply.

For more information, you can check out our Help Center article here: Verify education status.

I can check on our backend that your student status was approved on July 4th 2022 so it will expire on July 4th 2024. You can re-apply here if youโ€™re still a student via this link: Hope this clarifies!

I just got the same email too that my education plan will expire in 4 weeks, was there any change in policy or settings.

Hey @Olumide,

No - we have not changed the education verification timeline. What is the name of the team that is expiring? And do you recall the date you 1st verified it for EDU?

I was verified on the 7th of July, 2024

Thanks for confirming, @Olumide!

I consulted with our EDU team, and it sounds like your education verification was for a bootcamp, which is why it was only for a 6 month period.

If you are still a student and/or taking another bootcamp, you can re-apply here:
