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Main question: I have a component that utilizes a .base component which contains another component element. When editing the top level variation I want to detach the child component instance within the .base component without detaching the parent component instance. Is this possible?

Supporting Information:

You can see in my image the set up of the .base/card with the “Slot” component at the bottom. Within the “Rotation Progress” component I changed the “Slot” component to the “Progress Bar” component (“slot” component is an interchangeable component to help make more variations within one .base component). Now that I have the “Progress Bar” component within my variant, I want to detach just that child component to make further edits. However, when I try to detach instance on the “Progress Bar” component, it will detach instance from the .base/card parent component as well.


No, you can’t, since instances can’t change what they contain. But you can swap it for another instance.

This is a huge, huge issue and headache and I don’t understand why it’s like this. It feels like a bug.

Why does it feel like that to you? If you want something like slots you can vote here: Fully Editable Component Instances
