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Hi, when I try to copy & paste using the keyboard shortcut in Figma web version it always pastes as a Plain text. How can I fix this, I tried allowing/blocking access to Clipboard but still, it isn’t fixed.

As a workaround I had to right click then copy and use the same right click and use paster here option as you can see it is quite painful.

Please advise me on how to fix it this in my Windows 11 W360 VDI machine.

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging. Do you know if this happens for others environment too? If that’s the case, this could be a bug so could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:

Figma Learn - Help Center

If this happens only on your environment, could you try the troubleshooting below?

  • Close any Figma tabs you’re not using

  • Browser : Force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window.

  • Desktop App: Force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it. If the issue persists, try clearing the cache.

If the issue still continues, could you submit a bug report as shown above?

I hope this works.


