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Hi People, new to Figma so apologies in advance for the long winded question.

I have a Figma profile that is linked to my email address and have been using for a while.

Recently posted a question in the community and noticed my handle was a randomly generated name so i changed this (to what it is now). The email address was the same as my Figma Profile, where all my files are. I accessed the Figma community page via googling Figma Community. i DID NOT ACCESS via WHERE MY FIGMA FILES ARE.

A few weeks later I went to ask another question in the community but this time I accessed it via the page where all my files/projects are. I clicked on the community Profile via the dropdown menu on my name in top left corner.

I noticed that my community handle was another random generated handle. Went to change it to what I had already changed it to a few weeks prior, but it said that name is already taken. I changed it to something else in the end.

Now i have x2 different community handles both on the same email address.

When i log in to Figma, i only get access to the Community handle that shows on my Figma Files page (not this handle im posting this question with)

  1. Is there a way to merge these profiles?

  2. If not, if i delete this community profile, will i then be able to change my other one and use this handle as it would then be deleted?

Hope it makes sense!

Any help on the above?

Hey @IamAmir, sorry for the delayed reply!

We’re not set up for immediate one-on-one support here on the forum.

The email associated with your forum account seems to be connected to Can you please confirm the other community handle that you believe is also associated with your account? Seems to be associated with an entirely different email.

This should probably be a DM.
