Hey @Cody_Larson, thank you for reaching out!
Have you received any Memory alerts or errors?
If possible can you provide a direct link to the file here, and invite support-share@figma.com with “can edit” permission (from the file’s share settings) so I can take a look at it? This will not count towards your billing at all.
The most common reason for prototype performance issues is the file’s memory limitations. At the moment, the workaround for prototypes not loading or loading with problems is to reduce the overall memory of the Figma file. This should help with any prototypes, regardless of the device or operating systems. Tips on reducing memory can be found here: Reduce memory usage in files.
I have tried multiple times and different ways to share the prototype with my client so that they can view the design I’ve done, but it keeps asking them to login to a Figma account or create an account which is not what they are about to do. I am on a premium plan and mainly subscribed so that I can share this prototype with my clients. Please help.
Hey @Gary_Richards, thank you for reaching out!
You can’t view a Figma file without registering for a Figma account. However, you should be able to only view a prototype without an account.
Are you able to share the prototype link with me so I can test this on my end?
Thanks in advance!
Why not, i can if the link have a Anyone can view access 🤔
Ah yes, apologies it is possible to view it like that but you’ll be asked to log into your Figma account and you won’t have the option to leave a comment and ect.