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Hello! does anyone know if this is possible?

When i click a value on a certain page in my prototype, the exact same value will appear in another page to show all the values.

A new user here! Please help me out!!


Refer this comment

Hello i have refered to that comment. However I would like to link a drop down. For example, when I click the value in the dropdown, the value clicked will automatically appear in another page of the prototype but i will not be led back to that page. Is this possible?

Yes, in short, when you click an item in the drop down, you set the variable value to that item.

Now on next page when you use that variable, like say for Cart, you can use the same variable as per your need and it will retain the value.

See this thread

Will it work the same if i only have i fixed value without calculation?

Yes Megan. It is as simple as storing the value in a variable and using it as needed.

Like, you select Gender on 1st screen, user selects M.

You store it in varGender.

On next screen, which is your profile, you put a text placeholder and link it to varGender.

So when user lands on to that screen, it will show the selected Gender.

For example this is my drop down, so do i add a variable for each value? Then on the screen that i want this is appear, which variable do i apply? As i am already using the click function to link to another drop down, how do i link this variable?

Yes, you will have to add set Variable action on each item.
