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Hello, a colleague left the organization, and one of our teams has no owner now. As an organization admin, I can use the team files and such, but there is no ownership transfer or claim options showing as suggested here: Claim ownership of a project – Figma Learn - Help Center

My question is, do I need to claim ownership as an admin? Is there any value or restrictions because of a lack of ownership for a team?

If I need to claim ownership, how to do it since I cannot with the suggested support article.

Hello @OG_Can, Thank you for reaching out about this!

Only the creator of a resource (File/Project/Team) has the ability to transfer ownership. Being an Owner of a resource doesn’t give you more privileges than an Admin or an Editor.

As you are already aware, Admins and Editors should still be able to carry out any necessary tasks on the resource. Thanks for checking our Help Center article, and here’s the other related article:Transfer ownership of a team

I hope this information is useful to you. If I missed anything, please feel free to let us know. And if any members of our community have additional suggestions, please share them here.

Thanks once again for reaching out!
