Hi @Goncalo_Fortes
As explain on the documentation:
Prototyping noodles must connect between two objects. If you connect two components and consolidate them using boolean properties, the prototyping connections will be lost.
Figma Learn - Help Center
I’ve just figured it out… you can use multiple interactive Booleans (hover and click states) in multi-variant Components. The hover bit is easy…
However, for click states - wrap the button you want to use (to invoke a change in layout), in an auto-layout frame within your master component.
I found that this works a charm (for example - on expand / collapse UI, using a hamburger button within a Header bar)…
ahhhhhhhhh this stinks and kinda makes it not worth it to use!..time to redo all my checkboxes and radios so they work in prototypes 😦