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Hi guys!

I’m currently working on a large prototype for a client, which will later be used as a supporting element in the development.

It’s a large project management platform, which supports four main usertypes, all with different permissions.

At this point, i’ve made a general flow, which is basically the most advanced usertype.

I’m now looking to create a seperate flow for each of the usertypes to visibly show both client and dev team how each role’s experience and permissions will be.

I’ve currently explored creating each flow in the same page of the same doc, but this creates issues with the proto-linking, as most elements are components linked generically.

Also makes the project very large to load.

Have also thought about moving each flow into a page of it’s own.

Do you have any good ideas of how to achieve this?


I know this thread is old, but I would love to hear what your solution ended up being. I am about to start a new project that is large with multiple user-types that need to be documented as well. It feels like there are many ways to do this, but I’m not sure the most efficient.

Right now I am playing with the idea of using the new variable and mode features to create the views on 1 Frame. It takes advantage of multiple component variants that switch depending on the user view.

In smaller and earlier prototypes I have made 2 prototypes on its own page. One page has a flow for each user-type (in sections). The second page for documentation with all the details turned on a Frame with notations (example: "Show if User 1, “Show if User 2”, etc).


I found a solution for this today but may not work for your designs.

I have 3 user types each with a prototype for desktop and mobile (6 total prototypes). Around 85% of the prototype is the same for each user, however they each have their own menu with different tools and features.

I simply added user selection icons to the bottom of the popout menu for each user, when you click a user type it will change the menu in the prototype. These menus being already linked to all the pages they need.

This allows me 1 desktop and 1 mobile prototype for 3 user types instead of the original 6 prototypes. Obviously you need to note that the user selection icons will not be in the production version.
