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Hi everyone, I moved from Sketch a few weeks ago and started my first project in Figma.

I got used to the slightly different approach but there’s something I still can’t cope with.

Applying Text Styles

While in sketch Sketch there’s a dropdown window with nested styles, which I think is very usable (especially when organizing the styles using / ), in Figma I can only find one level of the tree, and I don’t get the sorting logic. For example, I’m used to set up styles like:





I can easily navigate to the desired text style on Sketch, but it’s very hard and time consuming to scroll and spot the desired style in the small Figma panel.

Am I misusing it? Am I missing something?

Many thanks,


I never scroll, always use the search 🙂 It’s very robust for fast selection, and you can just enter fragments of what you need in any order: for example, entering “body reg low” then enter will get you body/desktop/lowercase/regular.

I often put in enough to bring it down to a short list and then use the arrows too. That’s especially useful in the color selector, when you can put in “blue 500” if you know the exact shade you want, or just “blue” to then get the list of all your blue tints/shades.


Makes totally sense. I assume it’s the same way to approach the components, as there’s no tree as well to place them.

I will start using this approach, thank you very much Shane 🙂


You can use a tree for all of them in Figma, components, colours, effects, grids, text styles, whatever - they’re just displayed differently than in Sketch when it comes to applying them. For everything except components, use slashes in the name as you’re used to - they’ll be grouped rather than nested when you’re selected them is all. For components, the same thing applies for the name of the component, but you can also get “folders” by putting your components inside further frames on the canvas.

Don’t think I’m explaining it very well, have a read of for non-component things, and for components.
