When viewing my prototype from a link on Behance, the prototype in figma does not load.
The url where the prototype is located is:
https://www.behance.net/gallery/125044261/Vinted-case-study you can find the link by doing ctrl + f and searching for the word “here”
I have seen that the original link in Figma to my prototype is:
https://www.figma.com/proto/VOZ96arFlqvIDDjfw2ELdJ/Tania-Dominguez-Vinted-app-prototype?page-id=173%3A546&node-id=246%3A1211&viewport=611%2C245%2C0.2787569463253021&scaling-down=down point-node-id = 246% 3A1211
However, that same url put in a project on Behance makes a redirection to this other url and that is why the prototype is no longer seen:
This same behavior but in reverse, I have seen it in other Behance projects that included a link to the prototype in figma and the redirection is done correctly. An example would be this:
Where if you do ctrl + f and search for the word “aquí” you can see the link to Figma (initially the url before each% has a 25, clicking on the link opens the url of figma and redirects to the same irl without the 25.
Behance tech support tells me there is nothing they can do as it is not a redirect from you. Can you help me?