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Problem: As we are updating and auditing our Design System, we have to reference the number of variances and instances the component is inserted into. We use the Analytics panel to determine what is using the old Material icons in the file to be able to swap and replace our FontAwesome library.

Idea: It would be really great to be able to export the list view of the Analytics page to an Excel/csv file so that I can see the entire list at one time and be able to cross off and comment in it as an audit trail.

I have updated my Figma Chrome extension to let you to generate a CSV of the analytics data from your library

Hi there! This chrome extension doesnโ€™t seem to work, the button does nothing when clicked. Is there an updated version possibly?

Just to confirm, you have the analytics modal visible on screen when pressing the button?

Tested in Chrome and its working for me, happy to try and support, if you want to message me josh(AT)

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