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Design documents open with the page panel closed by default. This is also true for the viewer role and the dev mode. I notice that stakeholders who view our design files have difficulty opening this.

This takes us a lot of time to explain each time. Now we have an explanation on our cover page of how it works to open this.

I think it actually makes sense if the page panel is open by default. Especially because Figma itself also gives advice on how to divide the design file with multiple pages. If a functionality is so default in use, it must also be open by default.

How are you experiencing this?

Heya, I have a similar issue, in files that are libraries the assets panel keeps being selected and shown by default despite me not ever once manually opening it. I never use it, and always want the layers panel to be shown. Is this expected behaviour?

Hey @Joe_Garlick ,

Thanks for reaching out to us! Can you share in details the steps you have done so we can try to replicate your issue?

The engineers confirm that the expected behavior is:

  • when opening a brand new file, opens the assets panel by default

  • on subsequent opens of any existing file, respect the users last Left panel state (either pages or assets depending on what they were last using)

(I’ve removed the previous message to avoid any confusion)

Hey everyone, wanted to give you a quick update on this issue.

Our team has investigated this and a fix has been issued and it should be released by tomorrow. Please let me know if you should still experience this issue after tomorrow.

Thank you,


Thanks! The way I think about app UI in general and what happens on most other apps I use is that I expect the layers panel to be open by default on ALL Figma files I use once I have selected that panel. I also think the layers panel should be the default to open on all files, not the assets panel. It seems weird to me that UI has it ‘first’ as a tab, so that’s been decided to be a priority by the product designers, but that the second ‘assets’ tab is set to default to be open.

I expect this to be set at a global level, and that preference to apply to, at the very least, all files open inside one ‘window’ and ideally applied to all open files of the desktop app. I don’t expect this to be set at the file level. I am setting preferences for the app UI, not for a single file UI.

Not sure if this is what your engineers worked on but thank you very much for looking into it! Will report back if this is still an issue for me.

Hey @Joe_Garlick, thank you for confirming this! I’ve just forwarded your reply to the team internally. Please do report back, if you should still experience this issue!

Still doing it unfortunately. Just went to a file and faced the assets panel which I never use.

Hey @Joe_Garlick, thanks for getting back to us. I’ve just forwarded this internally to the teams. I’ll give you an update once I hear back from them.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Hey @Joe_Garlick, the team needs more information.

Are you able to share the localstorage value for last-used-left-panel-tab immediately after you’re getting this unexpected behavior?

Also, can you let us know if this is happening in certain files or teams, and what % of the time it happens?

Apologies, I missed this. Can you please describe the steps to find this:

localstorage value for last-used-left-panel-tab

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