Another one here looking for dark mode. Oh well… off to sketch again
Been noticing the strain on my eyes a lot more lately with the bright canvas. Hoping it launches soon!
⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ DARK MODE ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫
⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫ please ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫
Please consider adding a dark mode option to Figma. I used Yarik’s dark mode, but with the desktop update just now, this no longer works. It’s not just about looks but rather eye strain and headaches.
Is there no way to update Yarik’s version of figma?
Figma, even your new app has a Dark mode 😒
So why are you taking so long ?! I had paid for Yarik’s like a lot, but since the 107.0 update it’s not working.
I’m just going to have a eyes ache and headache. The day is going to be painful …
I can understand the wish to have a dark mode, but from my perspective it is just a nice to have. It is only about the layer and the tool panel. On a larger screen, it is honestly hardly noticeable. They don’t even take up 15% of the screen. You can set the canvas to any color you want – even black if you need to. What you can’t do is to choose which color your layout should have. Or do you only work on dark modes? I can hardly imagine. Once zoomed into a bright layout, the screen is just as bright as the sunlight, so even the dark mode is of no use.
There are certainly more interesting todos for Figma and hopefully higher on the priority list. Be it margins, z-index or whatever.
You’ve completed missed the points illustrated above by many in this thread. The people who asked for this feature are accustomed to working in a dimmed environment. Everything on our workstation has a dark mode. From the OS, to the wallpaper, to the calculator, etc… I bet they even install DarkReader to make Google Chrome dark. I do.
So now you have Figma, the only application where it’s constantly lit up at the left and right edge that causes you eye strain and all sources of annoyance. And it surely doesn’t help that it’s also the app where you spend 6-10 hours a day sitting in front of.
To be honest, if there’s another app that is just as good, or even a bit worse than Figma but comes with dark mode, I would have switched immediately. But there isn’t. So here I am, stuck with it, and using other (paid) illegitimate methods to make it dark and my life easier.
I already understood what this is about. I, too, as well as many of my colleagues, work in the evening as well as in a dark environment. We also have everything that can be darkened in the interface set to dark. Nobody works with the sun in the back. Still, a dark mode remains a nice to have because it is an edge case. As I wrote before, and without having statistics, I claim that most layouts are rather in the lighter area. This means that you are blinded by your own layout – even when Figma has a dark mode. 😉
But of course I’m glad that some here are so free to do tool hopping. The threat to switch to another tool, just because you do not get what you want, is the wrong approach. You put more barriers in your way than you get value out of it. But everyone is free to do so. As already written, there are more important issues to work on.
I beg to differ.
Firstly, dark mode is the opposite of edge case. It has been consistently one of the most requested features of Figma, with ten of thousands of views and hundreds of votes. That means thousands of designers are affected every day and they are voicing their concerns without being heard from the team. To make the matter worse, there are people like you making light of our problem with your “it doesn’t affect me that much so it’s a no-problem” attitude.
The thread of switch to another tool is not a thread. It’s real. Why do you think people started using Figma in the first place? Because their previous tool failed them and eventually they were so fed up that they looked for a new solution. If I’m paying money and I don’t feel my money worth, of course I will look for something better. Sadly that something doesn’t exist at the moment. But do not forget we are talking about a set of customers who have switched tools before. They will do so again if they can.
I don’t want to deny you the need for a dark mode. But where did you get the numbers that the majority of users are in favor of this feature? I don’t have them and neither do you. I can only imagine that there are more important issues than this. Don’t you think we would have had the dark mode feature already, if the numbers would have proved it? Every modern company is working towards a corporate vision on the one hand and trying to provide the users of their software with the tools they need at the same time. I don’t like to repeat myself and I am also convinced that dark mode is coming. Why so much crying now before the new year? I have the feeling that some designers obviously react too emotionally to features. Be glad you don’t have to design a table in Photoshop and iterate on it anymore.
We are at a very high level compared to other available software out there, why poke at “little things” now when you secretly know they are coming? Believe me – it is coming. When the dark mode is there, users will rush to the next thing that “annoys” them. There is always something that annoys, but why do you have to react so harshly?
Dude, are you that oblivious?
Firstly, I’ve never said the majority of the users are in favor of this feature. I said it’s “one of the most requested features”. Although considering how the user base has been extremely vocal about Dark mode, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them are in favor of it.
As for the number, here it is: Share Feedback - Figma Support Forum
Dark mode is the king of “Shared Feedback” topics (aka feature requests) with the most replies, the most view. And it has been like that since its creation. Not so “little thing” anymore, isn’t it?
Here’s another little fact, there was a Dark mode in Figma before. It came with FigmaPlus (an external plugin). And it worked flawlessly. But the Figma team decided to shutdown FigmaPlus for security reasons or so they said. That was 2019, more than 2 years ago. And the user base has been asking for an official Dark mode ever since.
You clearly demonstrate no knowledge whatsoever of the matter at hand. Yet you talk as if you are certain “Believe me - it is coming”. Yep, that’s what they said 2 YEARS AGO.
And “be glad you don’t have to design a table in Photoshop and iterate on it anymore”? I’m sorry but what year are you living in? 2014?
And I don’t even want to get into the customer vs service provider relationship debate because you are obviously clueless about that too.
For once, educate yourself first before making yourself look bad, really bad, online.
Of course I wish for you, as well as for everyone else, that you get the Dark Mode.
In addition, I end the discussion from my side, because this is getting too personal for me at this point. Have a nice weekend.
Hi, I’m forced to switch from Sketch to Figma (for work reasons) and I’m surprised that Figma doesn’t have Dark Mode. I’m used to it from every professional software and it was the first thing I looked for in the setup immediately after installation because I felt like my eyes would burn at the evening on my 27 " monitor. As Christian_Heydt points out, there are probably a lot of important features that Figma strikers should work on, on the other hand, creating Dark Mode is not a time consuming thing (if the application base is written well).
I only want one thing for christmas:
Figma’s Dark mode
Dear Santa,
Dark mode would be lovely. Much of my work is on embedded system UIs, most of which assume a dark theme for use in operating rooms, warehouses, etc… Ironically, I design darker-themed UIs for people who would otherwise find the glaring screens in their environments a distraction. 😬 I prefer to use a dark page background to help isolate and assess the contrast of various design elements for each screen. But doing so creates a stark contrast between my workspace and the panels, and I find myself using the ⌘\ shortcut constantly which, let’s be honest, is a pain in the keister. I know this falls under the category of first-world problems - but it’s the world I live in, and I’ve been a good boy this year.
200 million in VC funding since 2012 and no dark-mode hahahahaha. Back to Sketch.
Hang on, there’s been an option since July… Is there something wrong with figmadark_com?
Figma users, the world around (fairly certain of that), would love to see an official announcement that its users can have confidence that someday (soon ? ! ) they can bask in the glory of the Dark Mode that Figma will deliver.
Please Figma, it’s winter. It’s dark. Most of us use Figma for UI design - literally designing dark mode layouts. c’mon.
It’s 2022, dark mode is something anyone willing to charge should have prioritized…
Dark Mode please guys… 🕶️
+1 for dark mode please, I like designing at night and constantly toggle on off the panels to just get them out of my eyes 😃
Dark Mode guys, think about it.
- Pitch Dark Mode
- Save Designers Retinas
- Designers work longer in Figma
- Designers download their love into everything they come in contact with.
- Profit.